First update!

Hello again!

I have added a few things, and corrected the implementation of the "upgrade" command. Previously it was broken, and didn't work correctly. Now it works as expected and expands on the price option.  Here are the changes:

  • In the Upgrade command, the prices option now takes an additional argument, [production] or [consumption]. These let you see their upgrade costs respectively.
  • In the main bar at the top, you can now see production / consumption rates per tick. 
  • On the welcome screen (before the game starts) you can see hints on what each section of the top bar represents.
  • Also on the start screen, as well as the game loss screen; I have changed the reset key to "Space". Any key is a little ambiguous, whereas Space bar is fairly universal. I've also added a tip on the game loss screen, pointing out the additional options with the reset command.
  • Housing is now a resource that gets consumed per tick naturally, but also by population increases, and now also gets produced (a very small amount, however in a near future update this will fluctuate with demand).
  • Like housing, water is now a fully integrated resource. Previously you never produced water. But now, like food, you do naturally produce a small amount of water to help offset consumption.

Thank you :)

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9 days ago

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